Nightjars live up to their namesake in that they are mainly active at night. The Snowy owl is deathly fierce . Lucky for you, they have great endurance and will do anything to protect you! So maybe their next conquest is taking down a Dementor! 2. Each Patronus is as unique as the witch or wizard that conjures it since no two horses have the same pattern of patches. The black bear Patronus is powerful and so is the witch or wizard who casts it, so Dementors better beware! If you have this Patronus, those who are closest to you are lucky to have you in their corner. You might attach yourself to certain people and feel protective of them. Mongrel is simply another term for mixed-breed or mutt, meaning those who cast this Patronus are diverse and unique. They use their logic to think through all situations and their possible outcomes. Additionally, they have a unique defense mechanism they roll up into a ball when threatened so that their pokey spikes are facing outward towards their predator. 6 Luna Lovegood's Hare. When threatened, these creatures are a true force to be reckoned with, and with one strike of their horn, your dark assailant will explode before your eyes. Witches and wizards with this Patronus adapt well to most situations and understand that the difficulties in life make them stronger. The brown owl Patronus is great for hunting down Dementors, which means youll be in safe hands. For a long time, vultures have had a lousy reputation bestowed upon them when they are actually efficient, fearless, and introverted creatures. Not only are white stallions brave and daring, but they can also be stubborn. They are not only determined but intelligent and wise too. With one swift dive, ospreys will incapacitate any Dementor. After her career as an actress, Robin found a love of writing and analyzing television and film, and thus pursued a degree in Communication from the University of Utah. Summoning this magnificent creature as a Patronus highlights a caster's strength, strong sense of autonomy and loyalty. Share to. Pottermore is also telling some people that their Patronus is "unusual" we don't know if this means if the animal is rare, or if it's just a little less common than. Those with the basset hound Patronus are unique, somewhat odd individuals which is why a lot of Hufflepuffs also have this Patronus. As a Patronus, they represent power, determination, and a free spirit. The doe is most notable for being both Severus Snapes and Lily Potters Patronus. Oryxes have a unique defensive technique where they surround their young to safeguard them from predators. Pythons kill their prey by constriction and can eat animals as large as deer. This Patronus will never back down in the face of fear but will fight back fiercely. If a conflict arises and they need to step in, you can count on them to be there. Robin Patronuses will consider you as their own and go to any length to protect you. Casters of this Patronus are often perceived as extroverted and playful, but they will defend you fiercely. Some say only deep-thinking, complex witches and wizards cast this Patronus. Despite being terrifying, associated with death, and generally viewed as bad omens, Thestrals represent true kindness and acceptance. They are very protective and loyal creatures. Wildcats can be highly territorial, meaning they will stop at nothing to protect their family and friends. They are especially vicious because they not only take over the nests of the prey they kill but also line the nest with their dead preys fur for warmth. They are protective and loyal to both their young and their mates. There also seems to be a sort of natural community, as owners of the Wolf patronus seem to be generally very hospitable towards others of the same patronus. Though a bat commonly represents fear, the casters of this Patronus understand that facing your fears is what helps you grow as a person. In general, they are not prone to aggression, but a mother owl will fiercely protect her young just like how Molly Weasley is defensive of her children. An interesting fact about magpies is that when they come across a dead fellow magpie, they will use their calls to do a funeral for it. The dragon Patronus is very rare, and it is also known for being extremely difficult to produce, so it must be cast by a talented witch or wizard. Surprisingly, eagle owls are incredibly agile and fast, meaning they will take down any Dementor swiftly. It can be a large family or a close group of friends. More than likely as the owner of this Patronus, people often misunderstand you. Those with a leopard Patronus are outstanding leaders and people respect and look up to them. Ironically, many characterize them by their high-pitched laugh, but they actually have a great sense of humor. Someone with this Patronus likely has many friends and family who adore them, and they love them in return. Although they sometimes get into trouble, they do their fair share of self-reflection and work to better themselves. Understandably, this is Ron Weasleys Patronus. Although a marsh harrier Patronus may not take down a Dementor in a typical fashion, they will get the job done, nonetheless. Their personality is curious and open to exploring all kinds of hobbies and activities because they want to get the most out of life. The term piebald in piebald mare refers to the horses color. The Beagle Patronus symbolizes happiness, curiosity, and free-spirited nature. Additionally, these cats use their excellent hearing and sight for catching prey. You would be lucky to have this Patronus fighting for you! Dementors will find it hard to deter these headstrong creatures! Seals range in stature but can reach lengths over 7 feet and weigh over 7,000 pounds! Widely known for their songs and calls, magpies are also one of the most intelligent creatures in the world. You can count on this Patronus to learn how to take down a Dementor and then perfect their skill for the future. Traits of someone with a Hyena Cunning and clever. Common conjurers > Slytherin. This is one of the reasons they are so often associated with friendship. Borzois are strong creatures that are generally reserved in nature, but aggressive when threatened. A goshawk is simply a hawk and tends to be on the larger side of the species. Whales, in general, have complex communication skills, and they guide both fishermen and fish where they need to go. Voles are extremely fast for such a small animal, not to mention fantastic swimmers as well. Additionally, the casters of this Patronus are very intelligent and wise. A dun stallion Patronus is a bit more serious than a dun mare Patronus and they symbolize stability and structure. Whether they chase their prey more for food or for fun is a mystery. You should never underestimate their protective and driven nature, especially among Slytherins. One of the activities they love is taking care of other people. Some folklore interprets that rarity to mean great fame will come your way when a spotted horse crosses your path. A hyena patronus represents a wizard/witch who is clever or cunning. As a creature from the Wizarding World, the Erumpent is very interesting it has been suggested that their power can be used to inject even the most dangerous Dementor with positive thoughts, causing the Dementor to explode. Or has this been happening inside my head?" The topic of this article is of a real-life subject that has been mentioned "in-universe" in a canon source. As far as personality, Wolves tend to be both brash and very . Understandably, orcas hold the title of one of the most excellent hunters in the entire ocean. They are considered highly intelligent, resourceful, and tend not to fear many things including Dementors. Callie Ahlgrim. A hare Patronus will either bounce around the Dementor until it finally makes its swift attack, or it might surprise you and fight right away. Rarity:star: :star: What I Like: Dislike: Traits of someone with a Tonkinese Cat One of the most cunning sort of cat conjurers. Those with this Patronus also work hard for what they want and achieve what they set their mind to. Mastiff dogs are massive, broad-shouldered dogs with a big heart to match. Some witches and wizards will never have a corporeal Patronus (such as Neville), while others will have theirs appear as an animal. Sadly, many use unicorn blood to keep people alive at a significant cost. So, when the need arises, they will fight for you and always be trustworthy, loyal friends. I got a wildcat for Slytherin House! Dementors beware! Owners of the wild rabbit Patronus tend to be a bit quirky yet fully confident in who they are. Some species of shrews are poisonous, so one fatal bite from this Patronus is enough to send any Dementor on its way. It's born out of flames and is able to survive until those flames burn out. Each individuals Patronus says a lot about their personality and who they are as a person. Rest assured that the swifts upbeat and cheerful personality will drive away any darkness brought on by a Dementor. Luna Lovegood is a special witch. When you set their mind to something, you will keep at it until they achieve it. You are guaranteed either a dragon, unicorn, thestral, hippogriff, or another magical creature. First they will want our crumbs, then our dignities, then our lives. If their enormous size (roughly the weight of a full-grown man) does not scare off a Dementor, then just wait until this intimidating Patronus comes to your aid when it sees you are under attack. Sometimes black cats are referred to as tuxedo cats, and the white in their coat signifies good things to come in the future. An eagle Patronus exemplifies freedom, boldness, dominance, and power. If you have a field mouse Patronus, you are probably a great listener, very kind and caring, and more than likely a member of Hufflepuff House. Those with the Fire-Dwelling Salamander Patronus are capable of handling any challenge, while keeping their heads held high. The great grey owl is the largest in length and has high standards and strong morals to match. Brown bears have one of the largest comparative brains of any mammal and because of this, they have a high cognitive function. A marsh harrier Patronus is a bird of prey, and they are true survivors. 1. Although they do not share the beautiful and intimidating mane of a lion, a Dementor will soon be sorry if it ever underestimates a lioness. RELATED: The Smartest 'Harry Potter' Characters, Ranked by Intelligence. It's a proud creature that also has a gentle side for those who treat it with the kindness and respect it deserves. But they can also be a bit chaotic. The Patronus Charm, introduced in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, is a defensive spell which produces a silver, animal guardian, used to protect a witch or wizard against Dementors.You can find out more about what a Patronus can do here.. Each Patronus takes the form of a different animal that has a special affinity with the caster - in Harry's . HYENAS LOVE TO EAT! It is a projection of someone good, a protector that can have everything a Dementor feeds upon. They are known as watchful guardians of their territory and can be vicious if provoked. Newfoundlands are essentially giant fluffballs. Witches and wizards who conjure the buzzard Patronus are focused, honest, somewhat introverted, but have excellent communication skills. Great Grey Owl (unusual) Grey Squirrel. In this sense, the Occamy as a Patronus showcases genuine flexibility and willingness to make peace and compromise. Not only are they physically speedy, but they also enjoy a fast-paced life and like to push the limits. If this is your Patronus, you work hard and exceed the limitations that others put on you. It is a very challenging spell that produces a magical creature specific to the one who casts it. By now, most Harry Potter fans have taken the official Patronus quiz on Bloodhounds will set their sights on a Dementor with its keen sense of smell and relentlessly chase it away. As natural leaders, Dragons will hold steadfast in their convictions and will fight wholeheartedly for what they believe in. Updated. Rattlesnakes are poisonous and use their loud rattle to scare their enemies. Deerhound. Hyena patronus meaning. They can also be headstrong and get angry quickly if provoked, so Dementors better watch out! Legend says swans could remove their skin and turn into fair maidens, so they are often associated with transformation. Should the Patronus be determined as rare, they will be given another set of choices. "Is this all real? This half-horse, half-eagle hybrid elicits respect from any and all beings who dare to cross its path. This Patronus will not be ruffled in the slightest by any Dementor, big or small. Many cultures revere and respect this massive non-venomous beast and even use their fat, blood, and skin in medicine. Fox terriers, along with the caster of this Patronus, generally work wonderfully in groups or teams. A borzoi will be a swift, powerful, and strong Patronus against even the fiercest Dementor. This Patronus is representative of resilience usually someone who has dealt with great pressure or adversity and continues to overcome these obstacles every day. Heron (J.K. Rowling's Patronus) Hippogriff (very rare) Hummingbird. Luckily for you, a Westie Patronus can sense when a Dementor is close and warn you. If you have a borzoi Patronus it means you handle lifes obstacles with grace and poise. They will never act viciously toward you but will be the most loyal best friend you could ever have. Having a dapple grey stallion as your Patronus means you are prideful and stubborn, but devoted to yourself and protective of those you love. Minks are furry little creatures that somewhat resemble a ferret. The albatross is the rarest Patronus on our list; the one belonging to the lowest number of Wizarding World fans. Dementors, beware! You should never underestimate a raven, and neither should a Dementor. Sometimes you feel misunderstood because people think you are aggressive when in reality, you are extremely kind-hearted. Heres a Wizarding World Patronus list with a quick description of these rare Patronuses, and what kinds of personalities might be represented by them. Echolocation is done by making clicking noises that bounce sound waves off their target to reveal where the prey is and how big it is. Dementors better not mess with a red squirrel Patronus because they can be ferocious when threatened. While they are mostly independent creatures, little owls do have a close-knit group that they trust. Witches or wizards who cast a black swan Patronus are often very loving, empathetic, and caring towards their friends and family. Calicos cats are rare, sweet-natured, and make friends quickly. Falcons wings are thin and tapered so that they can go this fast, enabling them to change direction quickly. If you have this Patronus, people might misunderstand or underestimate you, but you consistently prove yourself to be trustworthy, strong, and reliable. With their intimidating stance, this Patronus might scare off a Dementor without even bearing its fangs. You seek to make emotional connections with others, but you are also shy, and don't want too much attention. In certain cultures, some think these cats bring good fortune. They are also highly adaptable and can regenerate lost limbs. Even though Nebelung cats are beautiful in coat and color, their sweet, loving personality is even better. Known as one of the most famous magical animals, unicorns are mighty and majestic. If you have a wildcat Patronus, you are likely a passionate, confident person many people look up to and respect. Those with this Patronus are energetic, enthusiastic, and the life of the party. Salamanders can be very dangerous as some species are poisonous. Patronus charms can also be used to send messages. While they may not be the most talented fighters, they are observant and know the right time to strike. Gray squirrels spend months storing up food for the winter, proving just how patient they can be against even the most persistent Dementor. They are eternally loyal and will protect you at all costs. In reality, you (along with sharks) make excellent leaders, even if you can be a bit intimidating sometimes. While they have deep stability, they are not afraid to fight back and defend themselves if you mess with them or their loved ones. People with the black and white cat Patronus are watchful guardians and fiercely loyal to their friends and family. You spark both fear and respect in your enemies. It is an animal that has a compelling presence that makes others respect them easily. A Tonkinese cat is a mix between a Siamese and a Burmese cat. Witches and wizards with an aardvark Patronus are independent, resilient, and true fighters. Known as passionate and adventurous, chestnut mares do not easily back down from a fight and protect those they love. The wizard has reached an acceptance of mortality or at least needs and strives to. However, do not let their appearance fool you because, in reality, they are pranksters and clowns. Owners of this Patronus are spontaneous, playful, and intuitive. Orcas, also known as killer whales, are the protectors of the sea and are natural-born leaders. Dolphins are very people-oriented and make friends very easily. Chow dogs are wary of outsiders and they will fiercely protect those they love. If the Manx cat is your Patronus, you may identify with their ability to stay calm even in the most stressful of situations. They stealthily lie in wait for their prey and then strike at just the right time. This Patronus will stand up to any Dementor fearlessly and wont back down from even the scariest battles. Fox terriers are adorable and spunky dogs that are well-loved by all and give plenty of affection in return. Badgers are down-to-earth and fiercely defend those close to them. Oct 02, 2016. Camouflaged plumage makes it simple for nightjars to blend into their surroundings and supports their skilled hunting habits. Lynxes are large, furry wildcats that are naturally skilled, night hunters. Tigers are courageous, graceful, and fierce cats that should never be underestimated. Though a bat commonly represents fear, the casters of this Patronus understand that facing your fears is what helps you grow as a person. We see this in how Snape loves Lily until his final breath and how Lily sacrifices herself to save Harry. It can also be a study group. Kingfishers are very confident and ambitious, and they are also gorgeous, stunning creatures. Their bright feathers attract mates but also intimidate any potential enemies. The gray squirrel is one of the most hard-working animals, and so are the casters of this Patronus. While Leopardesses do encompass similar character traits of a leopard, they are also known for being fiercely protective mothers. However, hyenas, and those who cast this Patronus, are very loyal, clever, and creative creatures. They are brilliant birds that think quickly on their feet and are incredibly resilient. An osprey Patronus is one-of-a-kind, and so are their casters. These animals are usually timid, but handle lifes obstacles with grace and poise. People with a Russian Blue Cat Patronus are likely very intelligent and in touch with their emotions. Its likely that your loved ones rely on you the same way. An occamy Patronus is said to only be conjured by a pure soul. Those with this Patronus will do anything for the people they love, including making significant sacrifices. Warner Bros. What weasels lack in size they make up for in quick-witted intelligence. We've seen a huge variety of results, ranging from sparrows, cats, and dogs to rhinos and orangutans . They're often misunderstood by others and are way ahead of their years, having contemplated ideas that most only think about on their deathbeds. You are not afraid to stand up for what you know is right, no matter the consequences. But besides being the patronus of Harry Potter himself, the stag is a symbol of heroic behavior and innate strength, which are both things that represent an Aries very well. Sometimes referred to as the American pine marten, pine martens are cute but dangerous when threatened. Having a cheetah Patronus means you are confident and have a fiery personality. If you have this Patronus you likely exceed expectations either set by yourself or others. The eagle owl is one of the largest birds of its species, and many use its feathers in potion-making due to its magical healing abilities. Similarly to the Abraxan Winged Horse, dragons are extremely powerful. One of the most popular mythical creatures of all time, Unicorns are brave, mystical and feminine. When she isn't writing or streaming, Robin enjoys reading, dancing, studying economics and spending time with her friends and family. Although lions also have a soft side, they exhibit this in how they care for their cubs and share food with them. She has also been published on However, they are also very noble and symbolize virtue. The Patronus Quiz is an interactive feature added to Pottermore on the 22nd September in 2016. They can be headstrong and extremely hard workers. When facing a Dementor, you can be sure they will only fight for you and never flee. Stoats are a type of weasel. The 12 Rarest 'Harry Potter' Patronuses, Ranked, The Best and Most Iconic Harry Potter Spells, The Smartest 'Harry Potter' Characters, Ranked by Intelligence, The Most Powerful Wizards in the Harry Potter Universe, Ranked, The Strongest Patronuses In 'Harry Potter' Ranked. Wolf Patronus. They are more introverted and enjoy time to themselves. Before you can even blink, this Patronus will take care of the cruel Dementor, and you can continue on your way. Not only that, but they will fight hard to defend you. Many people think of sharks as one of the scariest predators in the ocean. People call St. Bernards nannies for kids because of their protective and sweet nature. Appearances Pottermore (Appears as a Patronus) Wizarding World (Appears as a Patronus) Notes and references (see this image) They are determined and will always get the job done, especially when it comes to a Dementor. Your friends and family love you for your unique personality and cute quirks. When I first took the Pottermore Patronus quiz, my result caused a lot of the same emotions as the stages of grieving: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally, acceptance. A woolly mammoth Patronus is rare because Patronuses dont usually take the shape of an extinct animal. Having a magical beast as patronus is considered rare and powerful in wizarding world. This majestic Patronus will defeat any Dementor that dares to cross your path. If you have a seal Patronus, you are likely very confident and do not care what others think about you. People with this Patronus are wonderful leaders with great patience and inner strength. While they may not attack the Dementor as passionately as a dun mare Patronus would, you can rest assured that they will be successful in their more calculated approach. Always in Harry Potter: Always Quote Meaning & Snape Significance. Witches and wizards with a nightjar Patronus are intelligent, quick-witted, and intelligent like Slytherins. One look at this Patronus and Dementors will be fleeing in the opposite direction. The regal and unique fire-dwelling salamander Patronus is born to withstand the most difficult trials that life throws at it. They take an aerial approach to catching their prey so that their mark, in this case, a Dementor, does not know what hit them. Kirsten Acuna. Those with the Hippogriff Patronus are among the most sincere and loyal characters in the Wizarding World, violently defensive of anyone they care about; and also secretly forgiving, even of enemies, allowing them to grow and change over time. The chestnut stallion Patronus mostly forms for people who are in Gryffindor and Slytherin. Witches and wizards with this Patronus are risk-takers, but often unfairly labeled as reckless.Stallions are typically more protective of their master and will charge down that Dementor (with pleasure) to protect you. People with the greyhound Patronus are often misunderstood as lazy or lethargic since they tend to be mild-mannered and laid-back. Having this Patronus means you often have a dominant personality and are fiercely loyal to your loved ones. This means your greyhound Patronus will quickly chase down any Dementor. . A dementor might even be one of the easier conquests of this Patronus. Being able to cast a chestnut stallion Patronus means you are bold, impulsive, and are not afraid to take dangerous risks. Either way, the Dementor does not stand a chance! For good reason, lionesses are the queens of the jungle. These protective mothers are wary of intruders and will do anything to protect their cubs from harm. They prefer to live underground in what most people would consider solitary confinement, but they love it. If you have a salmon Patronus, you are most likely an ambitious, wise, and resilient person. It's a majestic being that values independence, shows effortless grace and boundless strength. This Patronus will stop at nothing to protect you. Dementors better beware of these tiny but feisty creatures. A piebald mare will surely make your Patronus-casting ability famous among fellow witches and wizards. RELATED: Slytherins Who Weren't Entirely Evil. A stag can be gentle when it chooses, but it's antlers are a brutal weapon against it's enemies, which suits an Aries perfectly. They're also remarkably beautiful casters, whose grace and aura can easily captivate those around them. They are great at adapting to any and all situations. A little owl Patronus is precisely what their name implies; tiny, adorable, and sweet. When facing a Dementor, this Patronus will take charge quickly and send the Dementor running for the hills. This positive Patronus will surely send a dark Dementor on its way. As any true Harry Potter fan would know, the Patronus of any person is its most powerful guide, protector and charm against some of the worst creatures, Dementors. A stoat Patronus, and the witch or wizard who casts it, embody resilience, adaptability, and cleverness. Chow dogs are intelligent, independent, but like to have time to themselves. In theory, these snakes are primarily harmless since they are not poisonous. It can be corporeal and non-corporeal and a wizard must learn how to summon it. In the "Harry Potter" universe, the Patronus charm is among the most mysterious, revealing, and difficult types of magic to master. They can also flare out their head to look like a terrifying cobra. If you're not familiar, the magical conjurings take the form of spirit animals which . A foxs strategy of capturing its prey is to lay low to camouflage itself and then pounce with great force when the time is right. A black mamba Patronus symbolizes bravery and boldness. A ladybird is a small beetle, but it makes a mighty Patronus. The dapple grey mare Patronus is simply a ball of contagious, joyful energy, which is the perfect defense against a Dementor. Eggs of the Runespoor assist mental agility when used in potions, and the Runespoor Patronus represents dynamic and ferocious thinking and intelligence. Siberian cat Patronuses and their casters are fearless, independent, and protective. Ferocious and strong, anyone with this Patronus is automatically respected (or feared) by most in the Wizarding World. However, those with this Patronus are genuinely gentle, kind, and powerful. Crocodiles symbolize patience, primal energy, and tradition. A buffalo Patronus symbolizes strength, loyalty, and unbridled determination.
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